Hello Friends ,
Friends, I am the creator of this tusu99.com website. My objective behind creating this website is to provide information about all the new electronics items to you all through the blog. Who is better among them? What new technology is there in it? Whose price is the most affordable? We will give you information about the latest products and their benefits through our blog on this website. So friends, you must visit this website. We will provide you information about any electronics item after a lot of research.
Friends, we have studied till post graduate. We are working in the Education Department of Jharkhand Government since 1999. Since we got internet connection for the first time in 2003 till today, it has been my hobby to continuously collect information about various electronics materials through internet and news.
We are residents of Ranchi city of Ranchi district of Jharkhand state of India. I am 45 years old. The older I am, the more experience I have in the field of electronics. Also, we always remain glued to our gadgets to get all kinds of news first.
For more information about me or this website, you can contact me through my email. my email is –
(1) tusu99com@gmail.com (2) t@tusu99.com or call 91 9431393213 You can also follow and message me and this website on social media –